Whew! It took a little longer than we expected but this weekend's lamp building extravaganza is complete. It was so much fun going through all of the lovelies we have been
hording carefully saving and finding new lives for them all. Here are the results:

Big Daddy and I came across
this Brownie Jr. Six-16 many months ago and were so excited! We rushed home and began our research. We learned that this camera was introduced in 1936 and was worth approximately.....you ready?....next to nothing. What?! How could this Art Deco beauty be worth so little? (Something about the manufacturer discontinuing film production in 1942....humph.) We decided it would go into the project pile until we had the perfect plan. I love that this piece of history has a new (and purposeful) life.

Tripod Lamps. We've been lucky enough to find a number of fabulous vintage tripods over the years and love turning them into lamps. The little one even has pretty brass legs when fully extended....Rawr!
Old film reels are so fabulous! They are industrial and architectural and always remind me of old Hollywood. I love the simplicity of
this one.
This old Edison record is now a pendant light. Big Daddy paired it with a long red houndstooth cloth cord and it's a real beauty.
This simple wood base and cloche bell jar are the perfect setting for a Marconi bulb. I love that it feels like a museum exhibit with Steampunk flair.
We picked up this piece of driftwood at an insanely overstuffed vintage shop downtown a while back. (Remind me to tell you about it...That place is a complete trip!) The wood is architectural and sculptural and we let it speak for itself.
We'll be listing these goodies in the
Etsy shop as the week progresses, but for now I'm happy to have given these beautiful pieces new lives. The hard part is going to be resisting the urge to keep them for myself!